When we talk about realism we talk about "sense of reality in its concreteness" which applied to art can be contradictory but in reality the hyper-realistic reproduction of an image when done by hand on the skin through an instrument that is a tattoo machine, on paper through pencils or painting on canvas a different form of personal expression is always transpired between artists and artists.
Let's leave out the philosophy and move on to the practical.
Performing realistic tattoos requires a lot of dedication but first of all a technical and theoretical preparation of artistic anatomy, knowing the human skeleton and all the muscles to then end up studying volumes and shadows. All this requires years of study and practice in order to obtain good results.
In order to rigorously reproduce reality, we generally use very enlarged photographs to create as many details as possible, in a real "manic form", consequently the larger the size of the subject, the more we arrive at a better result! In short, you can't do a good job in a small space, my advice is that once you have chosen the area to be tattooed, it must be completely filled in without leaving any skin margins.
As in the drawing, the realistic tattoo is devoid of lines but only overlapping of volumes and chiaroscuro so when you ask your tattoo artist for a realistic tattoo make sure that what you are asking is what you really want because it takes time. I'll give you some guiding parameters: to perform a human face or in any case a close-up that is also an animal of the size of an A4 sheet it takes about two days based on how many details there are inside the image, consequently it is a work that requires commitment on both sides.
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